Escape to Cagbalate

This was probably the short vacation that I deserve..or not! hahaha. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it immensely. Despite the awkwardness and the issues that arose while we there, it had been really a much needed escape for me at that time (I skipped working on my school papers and my office backlogs for this!!).

Cagbalate island is a one hour boat ride from Mauban, Quezon. How did we found out about it? You should probably ask my friend. I just showed up at the bus station at 5 am and off we go to to Quezon.

Upon arriving at the "port" of Cagbalate, we had to walk for 30 minutes. We could have taken a boat, but decided to start the Lenten season early and walk under the scorching heat of the sun. I could have killed the person who made me walk, but I would rather enjoy the day.

We stayed in Villa Cleofas. They actually have cottages and rooms there. However, we felt that it would be more fun if we stayed in the tents. Or we don't have enough money? Or was it just me?

It was good to see this group since I haven't seen them for quite a while (blame our busy office schedule..or my busy schedule). Seeing them  is a breathe of fresh air. Unfortunately, two were not able to come.

Late in the afternoon, it started raining really hard.. And since the tents were not able to protect us from the heavy rain, we had to transfer to an open cottage.

The night was spent on catching up and playing cards.However, the highlight of the night was probably scaring our friend that there might be a "tiktik" and other supernatural beings lurking in the dark. The tiktik thing was really a big deal for my friend because she was pregnant. Still, her paranoia made the teasing more fun and enjoyable.

The downside of sleeping in an open cottage was that we became a buffet for the hungry mosquitoes. I am still in awe that none of us got dengue after. And thankful as well. 

We were bound for Manila on our 2nd day. So instead of going back to the sea to swim, most of us just decided to pack our things early and just take pictures of the place..and of ourselves.

The Cagbalete trip was a really good escape for me..and maybe for my friends as well. It made me forget, even just for a while, the things that are stressing me out. Indeed, friends really save you when you are in need of saving.

*Credit goes to Mark and April for some of the pictures in this post. :)


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